One Paper Preparation (MCQ’s)

Preparation and taking multiple choice exams demand for a specific approach that is very different from studying for a full length test. Instead of requiring students to generate a correct answer entirely from knowledge, multiple choice tests ask students to choose a correct answer among a group of possibilities that also includes three or four incorrect answers (referred to as distracters).

Multiple choice exams are frequently thought to be simpler by students than essay exams for a variety of reasons. How to properly attempt the PPSC One Paper MCQ test is a burning question on every student’s mind.

Therefore, if you plan to pass the PPSC one paper MCQ test and are currently a student, this helpful post is made only for you. In Punjab Province, Al-Ameen Academy is regarded as the finest at meeting the needs of one-paper exams.

We provide assistance with the written examination and interview preparation for practically all positions advertised through FPSC, PPSC, NTS, PTS, OTS, ITS, etc. All of the positions that call for a single, 100-mark test of General Knowledge (GK) multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are developed with the assistance of subject-matter specialists and degree-holders in that particular subjects. It includes positions in the BPS 7 to BPS 18 range.

The above positions may include prospective recruitments in Punjab Police Force, DZOs, LROs, FIA, IB, ISI, ASF, Excise, Health, Labour, Social Welfare and any other departments that come under federal or state or local government.

Al-Ameen provides assistance for all the job tests announced through FPSC and PPSC.

One Paper Test List

  • Police
  • FIA
  • Anti Corruption
  • Land Record
  • Office
  • Health
  • Department
  • Food Department
  • Zakat & Auqaf
  • Ministry of
  • Defence
  • Excise & Taxation
  • EOIB
  • Population &
  • Welfare
  • Information Office
  • Airport Security
  • Force
  • NHA
  • All other Government exams