At the Al-Ameen Academy, need-based scholarships make sure that no student’s financial situation prevents them from continuing their studies. All entering students are eligible for the scholarships.
Scholarship application forms are available at the financial assistance office, and aspiring students must submit the form within three days of paying their first-installment. Scholarships are given out by the financial assistance committee after careful consideration of all applications and interviews with the applicants.
Every application is thoroughly examined, and the financial assistance committee assures that the decision-making process is thorough and open. While s While some scholarships concentrate on helping students based on their unique skills or accomplishments, others aim to assist students who have a precise financial need.
These need-based scholarships occasionally also have academic or merit requirements, but they always call for applicants to demonstrate a need for the funds.
You might be eligible for one of our top need-based grants if you have a low or even moderate income as a student.