Frequently asked questions(FAQ)



CSS stands for Central Superior Service. It is an exam that directs the person to get a government level job.
CSS exam in Pakistan is held by the Federal Public Service Commission to recruit eligible candidates to the services under Federal Government. It is also a competitive examination. People are keen to pass this exam as it is a life-changing step towards a brighter future.

Second Division or Grade “C” Bachelor’s degree in any faculty of one of the Pakistani Universities or an equivalent degree or comparable educational qualifications of a foreign University recognized by Higher Education Commission, Islamabad.
Note:  A candidate who has obtained a Third Division (or `D’ grade) in his/her Bachelor’s Degree will be eligible for the Examination in cases where he/she has obtained a higher Division in Master’s Degree.

CSS is conducted every year in the month of February while PMS exams PMS exam is being taken on more or less three years basis.

It is published every year in the last of October or start of November.

FPSC and PPSC allow the students to appear in exams for 3 attempts each.


As per rules age limit for CSS Examination is 21 to 30 years. Upper age limit will be same as 30 years and cut-off date for age calculation will be 31.12.current year.

MPT stands for, in CSS, MCQ based preliminary test. Central superior services (CSS) examination, MCQs or MPT test is the screening test before the CSS written examination. The Purpose of MPT test is to the selection of candidates for CSS written examinations.

Fee of written examination is Rs.2200/-

For online submission of application, comprehensive procedure is available on FPSC website www.fpsc.gov.pk (at link: APPLYING ON-LINE). In case of any difficulty in online accessibility, candidates may contact FPSC Help Line on Phone No. 051-111-000-248 or by e-mail on fpsc@fpsc.gov.pk.